Pets are incredible gifts. They’re members of our families, helpers, little comedians, and more. Our animal companions remind us to smile, play, and care for ourselves and others. Who else could prompt us to ask the really tough questions (such as can I haz cheeseburger, or what the fluff?) No doubt about it, we adore them. So it’s no surprise that when it comes to decontamination, many owners find themselves asking: is meth dangerous for pets?

Of course, no loving owner wants to watch their animal suffer. Indeed, most of us do our best to ensure our little friends stay happy and healthy. That means knowing the potential dangers in their environment. And we’re here to tell you, that absolutely includes methamphetamine.


Meth and Pets


Most of us already know what meth is dangerous for people. That is why it’s illegal in many countries (and a controlled substance in others.) Meth use can lead to any number of complications, including seizures, heart attacks, ‘meth mouth,’ skin picking, and much more. And of course, this says nothing of the other horrors of addiction.

Reading all this, it probably won’t surprise you that most animal experts consider methamphetamine a type of poisoning. It’s described that way on veterinary websites, animal poison helplines, and in scientific case reports. These sources suggest that, among other symptoms, meth poisoning may cause vomiting, aggression, seizures, and even death. A search on google will also confirm news of dogs, cats, and other animals stumbling onto their owner’s stash, and tragically passing away as a result.

On that note, simply inhaling meth vapors may be enough to cause certain complications. In fact, one study found that children exposed to meth would test positive for the substance, even without direct use. Furthermore, another study found that inhalation was enough to damage the lungs of mice.

And ingestion and inhalation aren’t the only dangers to pets. According to an article in Times Daily, even living in a meth lab can cause complications. Indeed, vet clinics have observed sores, burns, and skin issues in dogs living in such homes. They may also suffer from central nervous system issues and malnourishment. Of course, with all the chemicals and risks associated with living in a meth lab, it’s hard to pin down the exact causes of these symptoms. Even so, it doesn’t take much logic to recognize that meth labs are a toxic environment for all within them.


Help For Pets Exposed To Meth


So, is meth dangerous for your pets? The answer, as you can see, is a resounding yes. The stories of these animals can break the heart, each a victim of methamphetamine and the damage it can do.

There is good news, though. Since animal abuse is now a felony in all fifty states, animals have more protection than ever before. That means if you suspect abuse, you can do your part and report it to the authorities. And, of course, if you suspect your pet may be sick from meth exposure, please take it to the nearest animal hospital immediately.

But what about meth residue? Is that dangerous for pets as well?  As you may have guessed, that’s our topic for next week. For now, if you are concerned about meth in your home, call a certified decontamination specialist in your area or check out our other blogs. If you’re in Utah, feel free to call us for your free consultation: 801-888-6698.

Image by Pixaby