The first thing you’ll notice about David (should you ever have the privilege of meeting him) is laughter. You’ll hear it echoing down the hall from whatever room he occupies, spreading to the people around him. Spend an afternoon at his side, and it won’t take long before you find yourself joining in fits of chuckling and happy giggles. Ask any of his loved ones, and they’ll tell you David is a creature of joy – the type that cannot help but bring light to the lives of others. They’ll share stories of him making friends wherever he goes and always looking for the best in the world.

Thank you for joining us as we continue our series on interviews with former meth users. Once again, we review the story of a survivor of meth addiction.


Interviews With Former Meth Users: Part Two

David – 6/02/2020


How long did you use meth, and why do you think you started using it?


Roughly seven years. I have no set dates from beginning to end. But from the age of fifteen to twenty-two, or twenty-three was the length of my habit.

It was curiosity and rebellion. And, contrary to “rebellion,” I wanted to do what my buddies were doing. Cliche! Plus it gets you really high, which was a very attractive notion to me at the time


What made you decide to quit?


Meth drives people crazy. It makes you lose sleep, makes you think irrationally, and makes you uber paranoid. I was seeing flashing lights every time I got high. I found myself just staring out the window, trying to find the source of them. I have a theory that it’s because meth causes your pupils to dilate and contract and so it was distorting my view of light (I’ve never researched this).

It damaged people’s trust in me and my trust in them. Also, I kept getting more and more distant from my family and my friends (friends that didn’t get high with me). It’s an all-consuming type of drug. It became my biggest concern. I would put myself in high-risk situations to get it. I would go to places I’d never usually go, associate with people I would’ve never associated with, all in the pursuit of meth. In short, it was ruining my life and driving me insane.

I’ve been clean for nearly ten years. But I didn’t use a 12-step program that encourages you to count the years, months, days, and hours. So I don’t have an exact amount of time but at least nine years.


If you know, did you typically buy from dealers who cooked meth themselves, or had it transported into the state? (If not from a dealer, who did you buy it from?) Also, did you ever use the “Shake and Bake method?” (A method of combining chemicals and pills in a canister or bottle to produce a small batch.)


I have bought it directly from cooks, but mostly I got mine from people who got it from their own sources. But their hookup’s info was rarely shared with me, so I’m not sure where the majority of my stuff was cooked.

I’m not familiar with the “shake and bake” method.


People often assume that because they don’t use, no one else could have ever used meth in their home (or business). Did you ever use meth in someone else’s home, school, car, or business?


I often did meth in my high school bathrooms and in my friend’s parent’s house without their parents knowing.


What, if anything, would you want the general public to know about meth?


I’d direct my response toward people who are newly using and experimenting with it. The high and rush you feel aren’t worth all the other crap that comes along with it. You can stay high for days, but eventually, you’ll have to come down and the comedown from meth is terrible! Again, it is an all-consuming drug and will affect every part of your life WHEN you get addicted. There may be some people who have found a way to balance their habit and maintain a “normal” life, but they are the exception and, most definitely, not the rule. Meth sucks. Don’t do it.


A Note To Our Readers


David is a loving young man in his early thirties who’s managed to rebuild important relationships with his family. He works in mental health, caring for individuals with autism, and hopes to adopt a dog. He also loves music, books, and movies. When discussing his progress in life, he says he doesn’t know where he would be without the people who love him.

Unfortunately, meth use nearly robbed him of those essential connections. And, in that way, his story is not unique. Meth impacts both the family and community of the user, destroying their friendships and trust, and inevitably isolating them in the harsh chaos of addiction.

We are so grateful to David for discussing his history with us, and for taking the time to answer our questions. He is an example of how love can be a path to recovery and reclaiming what truly matters. So, if you or someone you care about is struggling with meth, please seek out a licensed addictions counselor or rehabilitation facility today. And please keep an eye out for next week’s third and final entry in this series: Interviews With Former Meth Users.

For those of you worried about methamphetamine your homes or businesses, remember – we’re Utah’s number one resource for decontamination. We’re here to serve the residents of Utah with testing, sampling, and efficient removal of meth, mold, and more. So don’t hesitate to call us for a free consultation at (801) 888-6698.


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